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Quake 4

Данные по игре
Название: Quake 4
Название в Европе: Quake 4
Разработчик: Raven Software
Издатель: Activision
Издатель в Европе: Activision
Дата выхода: в официальной продаже с 18 октября 2005 года
Дата выхода в Европе: в официальной продаже с 18 октября 2005 года
Статус: Вышла
Жанр: Action/Arcade
Мультиплеер: (16) LAN, Internet
Системные требования: Pentium 4/Athlon XP 2 ГГц, 512 Мб памяти, 3D-ускоритель с 64 Мб памяти, 3 Гб на винчестере.
Похожие игры: Quake, Quake 2, Quake 3 Arena
Официальный сайт игры: Перейти (Русский сайт)
Купить игру: на CD и DVD дисках


Вызываем консоль нажатием Ctrl + Alt +~ и вводим там следующие коды:

  • god &ndash - Неуязвимость
  • noclip – ходим сквозь стены notarget – невидимость
    freeze – всё стоит и не двигается
    give all – всё оружие и патроны
    give ammo – патроны
    map [название карты] – загрузить конкретную карту
    benchmark – внутриигровая статистика
    com_drawfps 1 – показать FPS
    aviDemo – записать демку вашей игры в avi формате
    gfxinfo – показать сведения о вашей видеокарте
    r_gamma [0-3] – меняем гамму
    r_brightness [число] – меняем яркость
    s_volume_db [число] – громкость звука (по умолчанию стоит 0)
    s_showlevelmeter 1 – вызвать меню управления звуком (если вводить код с параметром 0, всё уберётся)
    g_showprojectilepct 1 – Показывать процент попаданий
    killmonsters – убить всех врагов
    kill – суицид
    quit - выход

    Названия карт (для команды смены карт: "map game/ [название]")
    Air Defense Base: airdefense1
    Air Defense Trenches: airdefense2
    Aqueducts: convoy2
    Aqueducts Annex: convoy2b
    Canyon: convoy1
    Construction Zone: walker
    Data Networking Security: network2
    Data Networking Terminal: network1
    Data Processing Security: process2
    Data Storage Security: storage2
    Dispersal Facility: dispersal
    Game/process1: process1
    Game/storage1: storage1
    Hangar Perimeter: hangar1
    Interior Hangar: hangar2
    MCC Landing Site: mcc_landing
    Nexus Core: core1
    Nexus Hub: hub2
    Nexus Hub Tunnels: hub1
    Operation: Advantage: mcc_1
    Operation: Last Hope: mcc_2
    Perimeter Defense Station: building_b
    Putrification Center: putra
    Recomposition Center: recomp
    Strogg Medical Facilities: medlabs
    The Nexus: core2
    Tram Hub Station: tram1
    Tram Rail: tram1b
    Waste Processing Facility: waste

    Название моделей (для команды смены моделей "spawn [название]")

    Улучшение оружия. Учтите, для того, чтобы код сработал, у вас уже должно быть оружие, которое вы собрались модифицировать. Названия вводить в месте с этим кодом: "spawn [название]".

    Полный список кодов. Что они значат, разбирайтесь сами.
    God mode - god
    Full weapons and ammunition - give all
    Full ammunition for current weapons - give ammo
    Armor to 125 - give armor
    Classic 1995 version - give doom95
    Health to 100 - give health
    All keys - give keys
    BFG - give weapon_bfg
    Chainsaw - give weapon_chainsaw
    Machine gun - give weapon_machinegun
    Plasmagun - give weapon_plasmagun
    Rocket launcher - give weapon_rocketlauncher
    Shotgun - give weapon_shotgun
    Spawn indicated item - give [item name]
    Play indicated map - map [map name]
    Load a map - map
    Show AAS stats - aasStats
    Adds debug arrow - addarrow
    Core to game chat lines - addChatLine
    Add debug line - addline
    Scale contact friction - af_contactFrictionScale
    Force the given friction value - af_forceFriction
    Name of the body to highlight - af_highlightBody
    Name of the constraint to highlight - af_highlightConstraint
    Scale the joint friction - af_jointFrictionScale
    Maximum angular velocity - af_maxAngularVelocity:
    Maximum linear velocity - af_maxLinearVelocity
    Show bodies - af_showBodies
    Show body names - af_showBodyNames
    Show constraint names - af_showConstraintNames
    Show constraints - af_showConstraints
    Show the inertia tensor of each body - af_showInertia
    Show joint limits - af_showLimits
    Show mass of each body - af_showMass
    Show primary constraints only - af_showPrimaryOnly
    Show articulated figure CPU usage - af_showTimings
    Show tree-like structures - af_showTrees
    Show velocity of each body - af_showVelocity
    Skip friction - af_skipFriction
    Skip joint limits - af_skipLimits
    Skip self collision detection - af_skipSelfCollision
    Scale time - af_timeScale
    Use impulse-based contact friction - af_useImpulseFriction
    Use impulse-based joint friction - af_useJointImpulseFriction
    Use constraint matrix symmetry - af_useSymmetry
    Enable blocked fail safe handling - ai_blockedFailSafe
    Draw trajectory tests for monsters - ai_debugTrajectory
    Draw attack cones for monsters - ai_showCombatNodes
    Write .AVI for a command demo - aviCmdDemo
    Save demo in .AVI format - avidemo
    Write .AVI for a demo - aviDemo
    Write .AVI for the current game - aviGame
    Game benchmark - benchmark
    Benchmark - benchmark
    Bind command to a key - bind
    Blink a debug line - blinkline
    Center view - centerview
    Clear the console - clear
    Clear all lights - clearLights
    Drop current weapon - clientDropWeapon
    In-game GUI message mode - clientMessageMode
    Voice chats - clientVoiceChat
    Team voice chats - clientVoiceChatTeam
    Cull back facing polygons - cm_backFaceCul
    Debug collision detection - cm_debugCollision
    Draw filled polygons - cm_drawFilled
    Draw internal edges green - cm_drawInternal
    Collision mask - cm_drawMask
    Draw polygon and edge normals - cm_drawNormals
    Show collision model info - collisionModelInfo
    Use ~ to toggle console - com_allowConsole
    Sample input from the async thread - com_asyncInput
    Mix sound from the async thread - com_asyncSound
    Compress saved games - com_compressSaveGame
    Record journal - com_journal 1
    Play back journal - com_journal 2
    Make a build - com_makingBuild 1
    Marker for memory stats - com_memoryMarker
    Purge everything between level loads - com_purgeAll
    Show async network stats - com_showAsyncStats
    Show frame rate - com_showFPS
    Show framerate - com_showfps 1
    Show total and per frame memory usage - com_showMemoryUsage
    show sound decoders - com_showSoundDecoders
    Skip the renderer completely - com_skipRenderer
    Show engine timings - com_speeds
    Compress a demo file - compressDemo
    Speed at which the console moves - con_speed [number]
    Dump the console text to a file - conDump
    Connect to a server - connect
    Crashes game - crash
    Crash game - crash
    Unknown - cvar_restart
    Restart the cvar system - cvar_restart
    Apply damage to an entity - damage
    Launch script debugger - debugger
    Print parses - decl_show 1
    Print parses and references developer - decl_show 2
    Delete selected entity - deleteSelected
    Hold [Enter] to zoom view - demoshot
    Save screenshot for a demo - demoShot
    Load a map in developer mode - devmap
    Open directory - dir
    List a folder - dir
    List a folder with sub-folders - dirtree
    Disassembles script - disasmScript
    Disables connection for current multi-player game - disconnect
    Disconnect from a game - disconnect
    Compile map - dmap
    Skip to last level - doomhell
    Print indicated text - echo [text]
    Launch in-game Articulated Figure Editor - editAFs
    Launch in-game Declaration Editor - editDecls
    Launch GUI Editor - editGUIs
    Change lighting - editlight
    Launch in-game Light Editor - editLights
    Open the in-game editor - editor
    Launch level editor Radiant - editor
    Launch in-game Particle Editor - editParticles
    Launch in-game PDA Editor - editPDAs
    Launch in-game Script Editor - editScripts
    Change sounds in editor area - editsounds
    Launch in-game Sound Editor - editSounds
    Take an environment shot - envshot
    Cause an error - error
    Execute a config file - exec
    Exit game - exit
    Exit command demo - exitCmdDemo
    Export models - exportmodels
    Finish the build process - finishBuild
    Freeze everything on screen - freeze
    Freeze game for indicated number of seconds - freeze [number]
    Armor takes this percentage of damage - g_armorProtection [number]
    Armor takes this percentage of damage in MP - g_armorProtectionMP [number]
    Maintain even teams - g_balanceTDM
    Show blood splats, sprays, and gibs - g_bloodEffects
    Pregame countdown in seconds - g_countDown [number]
    Scale final damage on player by this factor - g_damageScale [number]
    Check for models with bounds over 2048 - g_debugBounds
    Show double vision when taking damage - g_doubleVision
    Toggle disable buffer file writing for save games - g_flushSave [0 or 1]
    Display timing information for each game frame - g_frametime
    Score review time in seconds at end game - g_gameReviewPause
    Set how much health to take in nightmare mode - g_healthTakeAmt [number]
    Set how low can health get taken in nightmare mode - g_healthTakeLimit [number]
    Set how often to take health in nightmare mode - g_healthTakeTime [number]
    Control the weapon sway in MP - g_mpWeaponAngleScale [number]
    Show muzzle flashes - g_muzzleFlash [0 or 1]
    If nightmare mode is allowed - g_nightmare [0 or 1]
    Game password - g_password [password>
    Show dynamic lights on projectiles - g_projectileLights
    Enable ejected shells from weapon - g_showbrass
    Enable shadow of player model - g_showPlayerShadow
    Enable display of player hit percentage -g_showProjectilePct
    Toggle hit % to HUD - g_showprojectilepct 1
    Skip damage and other view effects - g_skipViewEffects
    Number of frames to blend - g_testModelBlend
    Test model rotation speed - g_testModelRotate
    Name of material to draw over screen - g_testPostProcess
    Show available memory - game_memory
    Display game class info - game_memory
    Cause a game error - gameError
    Kick player from multi-player game - gameKick [name]
    Kick indicated player name - gameKick [name]
    Print current view position - getviewpos
    Display graphics card details - gfxinfo
    Show graphics info - gfxInfo
    Gametype filter - gui_filter_gameType
    Password filter - gui_filter_password
    Players filter - gui_filter_players
    Send heartbeat to master servers - Heartbeat
    Show help - help
    Hitch the game - hitch
    Show IK debug lines - ik_debug
    Enable IK - ik_enable
    See texture MIP usage - image_colorMipLevels
    Control texture downsampling - image_downSize
    Control normal map downsampling - image_downSizeBump
    Control normal map downsample limit - image_downSizeBumpLimit
    Control diffuse map downsample limit - image_downSizeLimit
    Control specular downsampling - image_downSizeSpecular
    Control specular downsampled limit - image_downSizeSpecularLimit
    Change texture filtering on mipmapped images - image_filter
    Change lod bias on mipmapped images - image_lodbias
    Use .DDS files if present - image_usePrecompressedTextures
    Write .DDS files if necessary - image_writePrecompressedTextures
    Write .TGAs of the non normal maps for debugging - image_writeTGA
    Always run (reverse _speed button) in multi-player mode - in_alwaysRun
    Angle change scale when holding _speed button - in_anglespeedkey
    Look around with mouse (reverse _mlook button) - in_freeLook
    Enable mouse input - in_mouse
    Restart the input system - in_restart
    Yaw change speed when holding _left or _right button - in_yawspeed
    Keep last test model in the game - keepTestModel
    Kick client by connection number - kick
    Kill current target; suicide if no one is targeted - kill
    Kill the player - kill
    Kill all monsters in current level - killmonsters
    Remove all monsters - killMonsters
    Kill all moving enemies - killmoveables
    Remove all moveables - killMoveables
    Kill all non-moving enemies - killragdolls
    Remove all ragdolls - killRagdolls
    Scan LAN for servers - LANScan
    Show LCP solver failures - lcp_showFailures
    List active game entities - listActiveEntities
    List articulated figures - listAF
    List all animations - listAnims
    List audios - listAudios
    List key bindings - listBinds
    List game classes - listClasses
    List commands - listCmds
    List collision models - listCollisionModels
    List cvars - listCvars
    List all decls - listDecls
    List all keys used by dictionaries - listDictKeys
    List all values used by dictionaries - listDictValues
    List emails - listEmails
    List game entities - listEntities
    Lists indicated def file settings - listentitydefs
    List entity defs - listEntityDefs
    List FX systems - listFX
    List game commands - listGameCmds
    List GUIs - listGuis
    List decl text character frequencies - listHuffmanFrequencies
    List images - listImages
    Lists indicated def file settings - listlightdefs
    List all debug lines - listLines
    List materials - listMaterials
    List model defs - listModelDefs
    List all models - listModels
    List all video modes - listModes
    Lists images of monsters - listmonsters
    List monsters - listMonsters
    List particle systems - listParticles
    List PDAs - listPDAs
    List the entity defs - listRenderEntityDefs
    List renderer commands - listRendererCmds
    List the light defs - listRenderLightDefs
    List scanned servers - listServers
    List skins - listSkins
    List sound commands - listSoundCmds
    List active sound decoders - listSoundDecoders
    List all sounds - listSounds
    List sound shaders - listSoundShaders
    List the spawn args of an entity - listSpawnArgs
    List system commands - listSystemCmds
    List tables - listTables
    List script threads - listThreads
    List tool commands - listToolCmds
    List type info - listTypeInfo
    List vertex cache - listVertexCache
    List videos - listVideos
    Load a game - loadGame
    Localize GUIs - localizeGuis
    Localize maps - localizeMaps
    Mouse pitch scale - m_pitch
    Show mouse movement - m_showMouseRate
    Number of samples blended for mouse viewing - m_smooth
    Mouse strafe movement scale - m_strafeScale
    Number of samples blended for mouse moving - m_strafeSmooth
    Mouse yaw scale - m_yaw
    Make an ambient map - makeAmbientMap
    Process giant images - MakeMegaTexture
    Create memory dump - memoryDump
    Create a compressed memory dump - memoryDumpCompressed
    Modify shader parms on all lights - modulateLights
    Show next animation on test model - nextAnim
    Show next animation frame on test model - nextFrame
    Load next map on the server - nextMap
    No clipping - noclip
    Disable collision detection for the player - noclip
    Ignored by most enemies - notarget
    Disable player as a target - notarget
    Print tokenized string - parse
    List search paths - path
    Play back a command demo - playCmdDemo
    Play back a demo - playDemo
    Set the given model on the player - playerModel [model name]
    x/y size of player’s bounding box - pm_bboxwidth
    Bob much faster when crouched - pm_crouchbob
    Speed the player can move while crouched - pm_crouchspeed [number]
    Height of player’s view while crouched - pm_crouchviewheight [number]
    Height of player’s bounding box while dead - pm_deadheight [number]
    Height of player’s view while dead - pm_deadviewheight [number]
    Approximate height the player can jump - pm_jumpheight [number]
    Amount player’s view can look down - pm_maxviewpitch [number]
    Speed the player can move while in noclip - pm_noclipspeed [number]
    Height of player’s view while standing - pm_normalviewheight [number]
    Bob faster when running - pm_runbob
    Speed the player can move while running - pm_runspeed [number]
    Size of the spectator bounding box - pm_spectatebbox [number]
    Speed the player can move while spectating - pm_spectatespeed [number]
    Length of time player can run - pm_stamina [number]
    Third person view - pm_thirdPerson
    Toggle third person view - pm_thirdperson [0 or 1]
    Clip third person view into world space - pm_thirdPersonClip
    Enable third person view when player dies - pm_thirdPersonDeath
    Bob slowly when walking - pm_walkbob
    Player’s walking speed - pm_walkspeed [number]
    Remove last created light - popLight
    Show previous animation on test model - prevAnim
    Show previous animation frame on test model - prevFrame
    Print an articulated figure - printAF
    Print an Audio - printAudio
    Print an email - printEmail
    Print an entity def - printEntityDef
    Print an FX system - printFX
    Print a material - printMaterial
    Print model info - printModel
    Print a model def - printModelDefs
    Print a particle system - printParticle
    Print a PDA - printPDA
    Print a skin - printSkin
    Print a sound shader - printSoundShader
    Print a table - printTable
    Print an Video - printVideo
    Prompt and set the CD Key - promptKey
    Exit game - quit
    Quit the game - quit
    Change gamma tables - r_brightness
    Set brightness level - r_brightness [number]
    arbfp1, fp30 - r_cgFragmentProfile
    arbvp1, vp20, vp30 - r_cgVertexProfile
    Custom screen height - r_customHeight [number]
    Custom screen width - r_customWidth [number]
    Perform depth test on debug lines - r_debugLineDepthTest
    Width of debug lines - r_debugLineWidth [number]
    Draw a filled polygon - r_debugPolygonFilled
    Change gamma tables - r_gamma
    Set gamma level - r_gamma [0-3]
    Fraction to smear across neighbors - r_hdr_bloomFraction
    Maximum light scale - r_hdr_exposure
    Monitor gamma power - r_hdr_gamma
    Random dither in monitor space - r_hdr_monitorDither
    Use a floating point rendering buffer - r_hdr_useFloats
    Ignore GL errors - r_ignoreGLErrors
    Ignore the fragment program extension - r_inhibitFragmentProgram
    Number of frames to emit GL logs - r_logFile
    Override all materials - r_materialOverride
    Draw only a specific level - r_megaTextureLevel
    Video mode number - r_mode
    Number of antialiasing samples - r_multiSamples
    Near Z clip plane distance - r_near
    Polygon offset parameter - r_offsetfactor
    Polygon offset parameter - r_offsetunits
    Scale factor for jitter offset - r_sb_jitterScale
    Do not draw any occluders - r_sb_noShadows
    Draw offscreen - r_sb_usePbuffer
    Enable shadows - r_shadows
    Report alloc/free counts - r_showAlloc
    Report sphere and box culling stats - r_showCull
    Draw the sil edges - r_showEdges
    Show light scissor rectangles - r_showLightScissors
    Display all the level images - r_showMegaTexture
    Draw colored blocks in each tile - r_showMegaTextureLabels
    Print frame memory utilization - r_showMemory
    Draw wireframe normals - r_showNormals

Автор: Андрей Воронов  

22.02.2010, 19:45
Понять бы ещё, что тут написано

я например пользуюсь несколькими кодами, вот один из них: ai_debugtactical-показание позиций и направления ai (искусственный интеллект)
listmonsters-название всех npc
listentities-название всех предметов, текстур и позиций ai

другими кодами это не решишь, и ваще, попробуйте играть по-другому: сначала запустите мапу, потом узнавайте название персонажей и предметов, а потом просто раскидайте их по мапе, ВСЁ! Готово! Новый мод

spawn vegicle_gev-танк
spawn vehicle_walker-ходячий робот
spawn vehicle_tramcar-трамвай или поезд (лучше называйте катафалка, все равно никуда не уедете)
В некоторых версиях quake 4 (они все разные) есть одно загадочное оружие, вот код: pawn moveable_item_napalmgun-это оружие разряда огнемёт, конешно урона наносит немного, зато спецэффекты вполне хорошие
spawn vehicle_drop_pod или droppod-капсула ( но из нее вы потом не вылезете)
spawn vehicle_body_table-типа кресла, когда вас переделывают в строгга
01.09.2011, 15:59
spawn monster_makron-боссак макрон

spawn char_doctor
spawn char_kane_strogg
spawn char_marine
spawn char_marine_fatigues
spawn char_marine_medic
spawn char_marine_tech_armed
spawn monster_berserker
spawn monster_bossbuddy
spawn monster_failed_transfer
spawn monster_fatty
spawn monster_gladiator
spawn monster_grunt
spawn monster_gunner
spawn monster_harvester_combat
spawn monster_iron_maiden
spawn monster_makron
spawn monster_network_guardian
spawn monster_repair_bot
spawn monster_scientist
spawn monster_sentry
spawn monster_slimy_transfer

я незнаю код на пулемёт

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Скриншоты из игры Quake 4
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Трейнер для Quake 4
Save файл для Quake 4

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NoCD Crack к игре Quake 4
NoDVD для Quake 4


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