Название игры |
Число  |
Дата |
Salem RPG, MMO |
1 |
27.01.2011 |
Serious Sam 4 Action/Arcade |
1 |
15.03.2014 |
Severity Action/Arcade |
1 |
28.01.2012 |
SpeedyLines Logic |
1 |
07.05.2012 |
Star Trek Action/Arcade, Quest/Adventure |
1 |
11.03.2012 |
Super Swap! Deluxe Puzzle |
1 |
05.01.2012 |
Savage Симуляторы, Educational |
2 |
07.11.2008 |
Sesame Street: Elmo's A-to-Zoo Adventure Action/Arcade |
2 |
28.01.2012 |
Shark Dominoes Logic |
2 |
28.01.2012 |
Shoot Many Robots: Arena Kings Action/Arcade, Online-only |
2 |
31.07.2012 |
Snowie 3 Pro Logic |
2 |
10.03.2012 |
Space Quest 1: Roger Wilco in the Sarien Encounter Quest/Adventure |
2 |
02.12.2008 |
Speedboat Attack Racing |
2 |
08.11.2008 |
SpongeBob SquarePants: Basketball Sport |
2 |
24.03.2012 |
StormRavers Action/Arcade |
2 |
07.05.2012 |
Streets of SimCity Racing |
2 |
17.06.2009 |
Super BlackJack Cards |
2 |
05.01.2012 |
Swarm (2011) Action/Arcade, Logic |
2 |
25.03.2011 |
Swindle, The Action/Arcade |
2 |
21.07.2011 |
Syberia 3 Quest/Adventure |
2 |
15.08.2014 |
Safari Island Deluxe Puzzle |
3 |
04.01.2012 |
Saga: Rage of the Vikings Стратегии |
3 |
01.12.2008 |
Samantha Swift and the Mystery from Atlantis Logic |
3 |
26.12.2009 |
Saturday Night Speedway Action/Arcade |
3 |
30.05.2009 |
Scooby-Doo! Case File #1: The Glowing Bug Man Quest/Adventure |
3 |
16.09.2007 |
Secret Legacy: A Kate Brooks Adventure, The Quest/Adventure |
3 |
11.03.2011 |
Secrets of Great Art Quest/Adventure |
3 |
01.06.2008 |
Segeln - Deutsche Inseln: Nordsee & Ostsee Симуляторы |
3 |
16.07.2008 |
Settlers 2: The Next Generation The Vikings, The Стратегии |
3 |
12.04.2007 |
Shredder 9 Logic |
3 |
17.09.2007 |
SimCity 2000 for Windows Стратегии |
3 |
10.10.2007 |
SimTower (Tower) Стратегии |
3 |
09.03.2012 |
Sinister City Quest/Adventure, Logic |
3 |
06.02.2011 |
Small Rockets Mahjongg Logic |
3 |
15.10.2008 |
SmashTown: Junk Yard Action/Arcade |
3 |
10.03.2012 |
Smugglers 2 Стратегии |
3 |
10.03.2012 |
Snood Towers Logic |
3 |
10.03.2012 |
Snowy: The Bear's Adventures Action/Arcade |
3 |
12.11.2008 |
SoulTrap Action/Arcade |
3 |
06.12.2008 |
Space Empires 2 Стратегии |
3 |
08.11.2008 |
Space Tripper Action/Arcade |
3 |
08.07.2008 |
Spider Wizard Cards |
3 |
01.04.2012 |
Spiderz! Logic |
3 |
07.11.2008 |
Spooky Spirits Logic |
3 |
22.10.2008 |
Star Trek: The Next Generation A Final Unity Quest/Adventure |
3 |
10.11.2008 |
Star Wraith 3: Shadows of Orion Симуляторы |
3 |
08.12.2008 |
Starship Tycoon Стратегии |
3 |
07.02.2011 |
Strange Attractors Action/Arcade, Logic |
3 |
21.04.2012 |
Subsonic Action/Arcade |
3 |
28.02.2011 |
Super Crate Box Action/Arcade |
3 |
28.02.2011 |