Название игры |
Число |
Дата |
Santa Claus Adventures Action/Arcade |
20 |
04.01.2012 |
Savant: Ascent Action/Arcade, Platform |
20 |
31.07.2014 |
Scrabble Online Logic |
20 |
28.01.2012 |
Seamulator 2009 Симуляторы |
20 |
28.01.2012 |
Season Ticket Baseball 2003 Sport, Стратегии |
20 |
28.01.2012 |
Sensational World Soccer 2010 Sport |
20 |
30.01.2012 |
Sensei 2 Quest/Adventure |
20 |
30.01.2012 |
Sequence RPG |
20 |
28.01.2012 |
Shadow Realms Action/Arcade, RPG, MMO |
20 |
03.10.2014 |
Sherlock Holmes: Crimes & Punishments Action/Arcade, Quest/Adventure |
20 |
09.12.2013 |
Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened Quest/Adventure |
20 |
28.03.2007 |
Ship Simulator 2006 Add-On Симуляторы, Add-on |
20 |
30.05.2009 |
SimAnimals Стратегии, Virtual pets |
20 |
31.05.2009 |
Simplz: Zoo Стратегии |
20 |
12.08.2010 |
Simpsons: Hit & Run, The Action/Arcade, Racing |
20 |
31.05.2009 |
Singles: Flirt Up Your Life! Симуляторы, for adults |
20 |
06.04.2008 |
Smart Games Puzzle Challenge 3 Logic |
20 |
15.10.2008 |
Space Exploration: Serpens Sector RPG |
20 |
11.03.2012 |
Specnaz 2 Action/Arcade |
20 |
08.11.2008 |
Spore: Galactic Adventures Addon |
20 |
31.05.2009 |
Squad Battles: Vietnam Стратегии |
20 |
07.04.2012 |
Star Ruler Стратегии |
20 |
14.12.2010 |
Star Trek: Hidden Evil Action/Arcade, Quest/Adventure |
20 |
07.04.2012 |
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 Action/Arcade |
20 |
12.08.2010 |
Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds Clone Campaigns Стратегии, Add-on |
20 |
31.05.2009 |
State of War Стратегии |
20 |
07.04.2012 |
Steam Battle MMORPG |
20 |
24.11.2014 |
Sting!, The Quest/Adventure, Стратегии |
20 |
17.06.2009 |
StoneLoops! of Jurassica Action/Arcade |
20 |
07.05.2012 |
Strayfire Action/Arcade |
20 |
07.05.2012 |
Stunt GP Racing |
20 |
17.06.2009 |
SUN (Soul of the Ultimate Nation) RPG, MMOG |
20 |
09.06.2008 |
Swedish Touring Car Championship 2 Racing |
20 |
21.06.2009 |
S.R.A.C.S. Action/Arcade |
21 |
03.01.2012 |
Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse Episode 5: The City That Dares Not Sleep Quest/Adventure |
21 |
27.12.2010 |
Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse Episode 1: The Penal Zone Quest/Adventure |
21 |
28.12.2010 |
Scooby-Doo! Case File #2: The Scary Stone Dragon Quest/Adventure |
21 |
30.01.2012 |
Scrabble Interactive 2005 Edition Quest/Adventure |
21 |
28.01.2012 |
Secret Wives Club Quest/Adventure |
21 |
06.01.2010 |
Secrets of Atlantis: The Sacred Legacy Quest/Adventure, Logic |
21 |
12.11.2008 |
Showdown Effect, The Action/Arcade |
21 |
17.02.2013 |
Sid Meier's Ace Patrol: Pacific Skies Стратегии |
21 |
10.12.2013 |
Sims 3: Katy Perry's Sweet Treats, The Action/Arcade, Симуляторы, Add-on |
21 |
31.08.2013 |
Sims 3: Town Life Stuff, The Симуляторы, Add-on |
21 |
11.02.2012 |
Sins of a Solar Empire: Entrenchment Стратегии, Add-on |
21 |
15.10.2008 |
Ski Racing 2005 featuring Hermann Maier Sport |
21 |
04.11.2008 |
Stacking Quest/Adventure |
21 |
06.01.2011 |
Star Wars: Rebellion Стратегии |
21 |
19.02.2013 |
Star Wars: Battlefront Action/Arcade |
21 |
09.03.2009 |
Starship Troopers: Terran Ascendancy Action/Arcade, Стратегии |
21 |
07.04.2012 |