Название игры |
Число |
Дата  |
DC Universe Online RPG, MMORPG |
128 |
15.11.2011 |
D-Day To Berlin Стратегии |
24 |
01.12.2011 |
Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive Стратегии |
23 |
02.12.2011 |
Duke Nukem Forever Action/Arcade |
90 |
11.12.2011 |
Disciples: Перерождение Стратегии |
38 |
16.02.2012 |
Deep Black Reloaded Action/Arcade |
41 |
16.02.2012 |
Dungeonland RPG |
6 |
08.03.2012 |
Dead Road Action/Arcade, Racing |
26 |
01.04.2012 |
Dark Souls. Prepare to Die Edition RPG |
120 |
10.04.2012 |
Dungeonbowl Action/Arcade, Sport, Стратегии |
4 |
06.05.2012 |
Divinity: Original Sin RPG |
33 |
03.06.2012 |
Dracula Series: Part 3 The Destruction of the Evil Quest/Adventure |
10 |
03.06.2012 |
Diablo III Action/Arcade, RPG |
110 |
03.06.2012 |
Devil's Third Action/Arcade, Shooter, Slasher |
3 |
10.07.2012 |
Driver: San Francisco Racing |
127 |
31.07.2012 |
Dragona Online RPG, MMO |
130 |
03.08.2012 |
Dust 514 Action/Arcade, MMO |
62 |
18.08.2012 |
Don't Starve RPG, Quest/Adventure |
9 |
02.09.2012 |
Dead Island Action/Arcade |
85 |
30.09.2012 |
Dead Island: Ryder White Action/Arcade, add-on |
24 |
06.10.2012 |
Dragon Nest Action/Arcade, RPG, MMO |
86 |
10.10.2012 |
Dishonored Action/Arcade, First-person stealth action |
213 |
26.10.2012 |
DmC: Devil May Cry Action/Arcade |
82 |
03.11.2012 |
Darksiders 2 Action/Arcade, Quest/Adventure |
63 |
18.11.2012 |
Death Rally (2011) Action/Arcade, Racing |
55 |
18.11.2012 |
DarkFall: Unholy Wars RPG, MMO |
53 |
24.11.2012 |
Dracula: The Shadow of the Dragon Quest/Adventure |
1 |
30.11.2012 |
Deus Ex: Human Revolution Action/Arcade, RPG |
158 |
30.11.2012 |
DayZ Action/Arcade |
198 |
17.01.2013 |
Disney Infinity Action/Arcade |
50 |
28.02.2013 |
Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav, The Quest/Adventure |
61 |
25.03.2013 |
Defiance (2013) Action/Arcade, RPG, MMO, Shooter |
118 |
25.03.2013 |
Dark Eye: Demonicon, The Action/Arcade, RPG |
98 |
31.05.2013 |
Dragon's Prophet RPG, MMO |
81 |
31.05.2013 |
Death to Spies 3 Action/Arcade |
56 |
31.05.2013 |
Dead Island Riptide Action/Arcade, RPG, FPS |
50 |
29.06.2013 |
Dragon Quest X RPG, MMO |
44 |
29.06.2013 |
Digital Combat Simulator: Combined Arms Action/Arcade, Симуляторы, Стратегии |
30 |
31.07.2013 |
DuckTales Remastered Action/Arcade, Platform |
17 |
31.07.2013 |
Deadpool Action/Arcade |
149 |
31.07.2013 |
Dream Machine, The Quest/Adventure |
50 |
26.08.2013 |
Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls Action/Arcade, RPG, Add-on |
11 |
28.08.2013 |
Disney Castle of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse Action/Arcade |
15 |
30.08.2013 |
Doorways Action/Arcade, Survival horror |
21 |
31.08.2013 |
Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut Action/Arcade, Survival Horror |
120 |
23.09.2013 |
Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock Action/Arcade, Logic |
40 |
23.09.2013 |
Dominions 4: Thrones of Ascension Симуляторы, Стратегии |
13 |
23.09.2013 |
Destiny (2014) Action/Arcade, Shooter |
114 |
21.10.2013 |
Dishonored: The Knife of Dunwall Action/Arcade, Add-on, 1st-person, stealth |
70 |
21.10.2013 |
Dishonored: The Brigmore Witches Action/Arcade, Add-on, 1st-person, stealth |
80 |
27.10.2013 |